Stress not only followed by feelings of anxiety only.
if you experience one of the following 5 things below,spend a little time to go out, can walk away or just call a friend. It's suggestions from Stevan E. Hobfoll, PhD, leader of the department of behavioral sciences at Rush University Medical Center.
1. Soreness of the mouth.
Jaw pain could be a sign that we are suffering from teeth grinding (custom-friction rub teeth usually done unconsciously), usually occurs during sleep and worsened when we are stressed, it said Matthew Messina, DDS, consumer advisor for the American Dental Association.r.
2. Not sleep soundly.
Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, professor of psychology at Rush University Medical Center said When dreaming we will have a tremendous positive energy when we sleep, and that's the reason why, when we wake will have a better mood than when we fall asleep to begin today. However, when stressed, we usually will wake up more often, and this is very disturbing. Try to achieve as long as 7-8 hours of sleep a night, and avoid caffeine and alcohol intake before bedtime. Due to having good sleep habits will keep us from stress.
3. Bleeding gums.
According to the analysis of 14 previous studies in Brazil, the stress will have a risk of periodontal disease is greater. Stress conditions will increase the hormone cortisol which will damage the immune system and allow bacteria attack the gums, said the researchers. Frequent overtime? And often ate dinner at a desk job? Make sure the toothbrush is always placed in an easily accessible place. Not only that, but also protect your oral health with exercise and adequate sleep. Because in this way will help us reduce stress, said Preston Miller, DDS, former president of the American Academy of Periodontology.
4. Acne everywhere.
Stress will increase the inflammation that trigger acne, said Gil Yosipovitch, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University. Smooth skin with creams containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can kill the bacteria, plus non komedogenik moisturizer that will make the skin does not dry. If this treatment does not show a response within a few weeks, immediately consult a doctor to get proper care.
5. Like a sweet tooth.
Do not immediately blame the sweet habit of snacking on our female hormones, because stress is a trigger factor that is more appropriate to blame. When researchers from the University of Pennsylvania surveyed pre-and postmenopausal women, they found just happened to higher prevalence of small chocolate snacking desire that occurs in menopausal women. Researchers say stress, and other factors can be triggers hunger for sweet foods, so not just a hormonal problem.
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